Stationary Bike twisted me this way and that

Tried to persuade my 17 year old daughter to do some sport with me for around 5 years, suggested squash, parkrun, tae kwon do, aerobics ,okay I knew that last one was unlikely to fly!

Finally settled on group cycle or spinning as it sometimes known, went last...

No Santander docking stations at the O2!

A feature of ageing, I'm the wrong side of a half century , is that you are more rarely surprised in life , sometimes in a good way and sometimes not so good!

I was genuinely staggered to find a few months back when cycling a Santander/ Boris bike to the ...

terrifying close pass and probably for a laugh too

I try to never write about negatives on a bike since they are so obviously outweighed by the brilliant things.

The other day, however , I was chilled to the bone by a car that flew past me inches from my right hand side as I rode along. There was no previous ...

Made it into the law reports

Really exciting start to the year at Cycle Legal when we overcame the might of the insurance industry in a ten month battle over legal costs in Chappell v Mrozek.

The decision was picked up extensively by the legal press because it is one of real importance i...

Twenty is Plenty and low traffic neighbourhoods

Encouraging to hear a former Top Gear presenter this am on the radio supporting 20mph speed limits in urban areas. London, where I live and work, is virtually 20mph everywhere and this is increasingly the case nationwide.

It certainly seems to be where the mo...

Road rage fueled by the Daily Mail?

We have noticed a definite and concerning upturn in cases coming into the firm from road rage in the last few months, horrific leg injuries caused by alleged deliberate targeting of cyclists.

The most recent in the last few weeks has been the most alarming, a...

six figure victory for a channel swimmer

There are many feats of endurance I have taken on in my days, cycled 120 miles through the night on the Dunwich Dynamo four times , ran two marathons , several more half marathons, but swimming the channel ...?

Just completed a case for a lovely fortysomethin...

Welcome Changes to the Highway Code

These much welcome changes for vulnerable road users have been in force since Saturday 29th January but I have been too busy to blog about these before now.

I was invited to speak to Andrew Castle on LBC about the changes on Sunday morning 23rd January and fo...

Cycle Legal

11 Northwold Road Stoke Newington, London N16 7HL